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Discussion Meeting on Functionals of Green's functions

Virtual Meeting to take place in January, 11-12 2021

Dyson equation
Functional approaches are very powerful in providing a feasible way to characterise a physical system. A well-known example is density functional theory, in which the properties of interest can, in principle, be expressed as functionals of the density.

In this discussion workshop, we will focus on functionals of Green’s functions. What are these functionals? Which properties do they have? What is the advantage of using a functional formulation? What are the advantages with respect to density functionals? What about the drawbacks (functionals are complicated mathematical objects).

These are some of the aspects we will try to elucidate through a series of three lectures which will tackle the subject from three different perspectives. Some selected contributing talks and a general discussion section are planned to provide further understanding.

This meeting is organised in collaboration with the Correlation Team of the ETSF.

In order to register, simply send an email to
saying you want to participate to this event. We will give you a link for connecting in due course.


11 January
14:00-15:30 :: Functionals of Green's functions: why and how? Lucia Reining
16:00-17:30 :: Mathemicatical insights on Green's functions
12 January
14:00-15:30 :: Rigorous aspects of functionals of Green functions Robert van Leeuwen
16:00-17:30 :: Contributed talks (followed by a general discussion)


  • Emmanuel Fromager, University of Strasbourg
  • Pina Romaniello, University of Toulouse
  • Francesco Sottile, Ecole Polytechnique
  • Julien Toulouse, Sorbonne University

Please, find here a list of participants.

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