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Post-doc position at Sorbonne University

A 1 year post-doc is available with possible extension at the Laboratoire
de Chimie Théorique (LCT) Sorbonne Université Paris (France) under the
supervision of Dr. Eleonora Luppi in collaboration with Dr. Julien
Toulouse (LCT) and Dr. Antoine Levitt (Inria and CERMICS, ENPC).

The subject of the project is the development of numerical methods to
reproduce the electron dynamics induced by single and multiphoton
processes in atoms and molecules. The development will be performed in the
framework of range-separated hybrid (RSH) scheme, which combines
long-range Hartree-Fock (HF) and a short-range density-functional
approximation (DFA). In the perturbative regime, photoexcitation and
photoionization will be studied in atoms and molecules in order to take
into account the electron-electron interaction effects. In the
non-perturbative regime, above-threshold ionization and high-harmonic
generation spectra will be simulated using different representations for
the time-dependent wave function for the purpose of describing the
continuum states of the irradiated system.

Candidates with experience/motivation in doing theory and code development
are strongly welcome to apply for the position.
Interested candidates can send a regular CV (containing a publication list
and reference persons with their email and affiliation) to Dr. Eleonora
Luppi (
The position can start March onwards.

Eleonora Luppi

Associate Professor
Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique - UMR 7616
Sorbonne Université - CNRS
4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France.
Bureau/office: tour 12-13, 4ème étage, pièce 420
Tel: +33-1-4427-3879 /

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