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GDR REST General Meeting :: June 2021

it is with great pleasure that we announce the General Meeting / Réunion Générale of the GDR REST (REncontres de Spectroscopie Théorique).

The meeting is intended to bring together the members of the GDR but also other scientists working in theoretical spectroscopy and all related areas.
The meeting will be a virtual event, to be held in June 2021. We have planned four afternoon sessions that will take place in the first two weeks of June.

The main topics have not been selected yet, and will strongly depend on the participants.

For this reason, we ask you to submit an abstract for contribution already now at this address
to help to shape this event in the most interesting/entertaining/lively way as possible.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 20 Mars 2021.

Further info will be sent in due course, by email and available here on the website.

The organisers: Fabien Bruneval, Francesco Sottile, Giorgia Fugallo, Hansi Weissker.

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