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ISTPC2021 online school in electronic structure theory

For obvious reasons related to the pandemic, we had to postpone twice
(2020—> 2021—> 2022) the third edition of our “International summer School
in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and
Chemistry” (ISTPC) event. 

In order to reduce the frustration of those of you who registered, we have
decided to organise a “softer“ istpc2021 online version of the school. 

One two-hour lecture (including questions) will be proposed every week from
the end of March to mid-June 2021. You will find below instructions for
registering as well as the list of lectures and lecturers.

A tentative calendar is already available on our website:

Looking forward to seeing you online. 

The organizers: Emmanuel Fromager, Vincent Robert, Julien Toulouse, Pina
Romaniello, and Pierre-François Loos. 


How to register and receive Zoom invitations?

Just send an email to .
Your name will then be added to the list of participants and you will
receive Zoom invitations to the lectures (see the tentative calendar on our


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