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Quantum Dynamics & Spectroscopy of Molecular Materials and Biological Photosystems

Dear all,

Applications are invited for participation in the Les Houches workshop "Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Functional Molecular Materials and Biological Photosystems", to be held online from 3-7 May 2021. Due to the circumstances related to COVID-19, the workshop cannot be arranged at the Ecole de Physique des Houches (France) as originally foreseen. Applications by PhD students and postdocs are especially encouraged.

The workshop brings together a group of leading spectroscopists and theorists, to address the most recent progress and objectives in the study of energy and charge transfer in biomolecular systems and functional materials. A guiding theme is the matching between spectroscopic variables and quantum simulations, for various time-resolved spectroscopies including novel two-dimensional electronic-vibrational schemes as well as single-molecule and femtosecond X-ray transient techniques.

The application deadline for single slide presentations (SSP's) and contributed talks is 15 April 2021. Since the number of presentations is limited (and the overall number of online participants is limited to 200), applicants will be selected based on their abstracts.

Workshop information:


Jessica Anna (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Irene Burghardt (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Jeff Cina (University of Oregon, Eugene, USA)
Jérémie Léonard (University of Strasbourg, France)
Thomas Renger (University of Linz, Austria)
Young Min Rhee (KAIST, South Korea)
We look forward to seeing you at our online event!

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