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Discussion Meeting on Electron Correlation

April 27-28, 2022

The gdr REST organizes this discussion meeting on Electron Correlation, both from condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry points of view.

This is not a conference with a series of talks. Please keep in mind the following points: 1) we would like to remind to the informal character of the meeting. The idea is to come with ideas and open issues. Questions are as welcome as (if not more welcome than) the answers. 2) prepare a set of slides to launch discussions on your topic (imagine an undisturbed talk of 20 minutes).
You will be interrupted continuously so it's not impossible that you do not finish everything you wanted to say. This is not a problem! It means that the first slides were already very interesting and we wanted to dwelve on them. 3) other people can pitch in during your talk, with a related topic, similar issue, different approach. Please accept that, for it will make the discussion much more lively. Just to give you an idea, it already happened that a speaker didn't go beyond his second slide: it just started a lively discussion that went on for almost an hour, at which point we stopped.

The workshop takes place in Palaiseau, at the École Polytechnique.

Organisers: Francesco Sottile, Lucia Reining, Matteo Gatti, Pina Romaniello


  • Pierre-Francois Loos (Toulouse, France)
  • Emmanuel Fromager (Strasbourg, France)
  • Stefan Rost and Christoph Friedrich (Jülich, Germany)
  • Julien Toulouse (Paris, France)
  • Maria Hellgren and Thomas Pitts (Paris, France)
  • Andrea Marini (Rome, Italy)
  • Robinson Outerovitch (Bruyères-le-Châtel, France)

Program 1



Take a break



Lunch break


EELS in 2D systems

14:00 - 15:00
Stefan Rost and Christoph Friedrich


Take a break


Hydrogen chain with RPA/RPAx

15:30 - 16:30
Maria Hellgren and Thomas Pitts

List of Participants

  1. Abdallah El Sahili
  2. Alam Osorio
  3. Andrea Marini
  4. Christine Giorgetti
  5. Christoph Friedrich
  6. Diata Traore
  7. Emma Nogue
  8. Emmanuel Fromager
  9. Francesco Sottile
  10. Gabriele Riva
  11. Georg Michelitsch
  12. Jörn Stöhler
  13. Julien Toulouse
  14. Laura Urquiza
  15. Lionel Lacombe
  16. Lucia Reining
  17. Maria Hellgren
  18. Matteo Gatti
  19. Pierre-Francois Loos
  20. Pina Romaniello
  21. Rajarshi Sinha Roy
  22. Robinson Outerovitch
  23. Stefan Rost
  24. Timothée Audinet
  25. Tom Pitts
  26. Valérie Véniard
  27. Valerio Olevano
  28. Vitaly Gorelov

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