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PhD Opening at the EuspecLab

The position is part of the European Commission-funded Doctoral Network EUSpecLab, a
collaboration between 23 universities and companies. Salary conditions, travel/mobility
allowances, and benefits follow the attractive EU amounts for Researchers in the HORIZON-
MSCA-2021-DN-01 call. The EUSpeclab project contains a mix of 11 theoretical research-
oriented PhD projects.
The position is open to
= Modelling, numerical analysis MSc graduates with an interest in physics
= Theoretical chemistry/physics MSc graduates with an interest in Machine Learning
= Machine Learning MSc graduates with an interest in physics

We hope that the new candidate can join us as soon as possible, with 1 September 2022 as
the earliest possibility. For an excellent candidate, a later start date can be discussed.

Please find the details in the attached leaflet.

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