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CECAM workshop : Interdisciplinary workshop on the theoretical study of periodic systems

Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the CECAM workshop: 
Interdisciplinary workshop on the theoretical study of periodic systems,
June 20-23 2022, to be held in Lyon, France. 
The workshop brings together experts from various fields in physics and chemistry to discuss
accurate and efficient approaches to numerically treat periodic many-body systems.
More details can be found on the web site of the workshop: []

The list of invited speakers includes: 

George Booth (King’s college London)
Roberto Dovesi (Turin)

Neil Drummond (Cambridge)
Miguel Escobar (Toulouse)
Iann Gerber (Toulouse)
Emanuel Gull (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Marie-Bernadette Lepetit (Grenoble)
Lorenzo Maschio (Turin)
Maria Peressi (Trieste)
Richard Schwartz (Brown University)
Tobias Schaefer (Vienna)
Ivo Souza (San Sebastian)
Giovanni Vignale (Columbia, Missouri)

Applications to participate can be done on the web site of the workshop: []

There is no registration fee. 
The maximum number of total participants is 40. 

Looking forward to see you in Lyon, 

The organizers (Véronique Brumas, Stefano Evangelisti, Arjan Berger)

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