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PhD opening: charge transport and thermoelectricity in organic semiconductors

We are looking for a talented and motivated candidate for a PhD under the supervision
Gabriele D’Avino and Simone Fratini, to be carried out at the Institut Néel of CNRS, in

The PhD project is part of the ongoing research on charge transport phenomena in organic semiconductors (e.g. molecules, polymers), specifically dealing with the theoretical and numerical description of disorder-limited transport, also at high doping. The candidate will consolidate and improve our techniques based on the transient localization theory and extend them to thermoelectric properties (Seebeck coefficient). This work may be complemented with atomistic or first principles studies of lattice dynamics associated with molecular vibrations and electronic interactions, within the framework of a multiscale modeling strategy. The proposed research is highly interdisciplinary (physics, materials science, chemistry), and interaction with experimental collaborators is foreseen.

The candidate must hold a master in physics, chemistry, or materials science and have a solid background in the theory of condensed matter physics and/or chemical physics.
Experience with scientific coding and high-performance computing will be highly appreciated. Strong motivations and good communication skills in English are necessary.

To apply for this position, please send an email to, enclosing your cv, a motivation letter, and the grade report of your master, if available.
Position to be filled as soon as possible. Considering the summer break and administrative times, we envisage a possible start in October 2022.

Gabriele D'Avino and Simone Fratini

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