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Opening for a PLUMED developer position

Do you want to be part of the next revolution? We are opening a full-time position for PLUMED software development based at SISSA (Trieste, Italy). The opening will be for a "Tecnologo" (EP level) position funded by the "Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing".

The position will be devoted to the maintenance and development of PLUMED, including: automation, documentation, interfacing with scripting languages, and migration on hybrid architectures.

The ideal candidate will have a deep knowledge of C++ and Python, and experience in the development of open-source software (GitHub and GitLab contributions will be assessed). Knowledge of the PLUMED core code and of GPU programming will be also considered. A Ph.D. or another post-lauream title will be required. Work will be performed in close synergy with other PLUMED developers and with the PLUMED user community.

Salary will be approximately 2kEUR / month after taxes, with a significant increase for candidates with fiscal residence outside Italy in the past 2 years (exact figures and more info on this point in the next few days).

A link to the official application form will be added here when available. The official opening will be out in a few weeks (approx Jan 13) and stay open for 30 days. The candidates will be evaluated in the next few days. The expected starting date is March 1st, 2023. The position is currently funded for 30 months.

Follow this repository for further updates. If you have questions, open an issue or directly contact Giovanni Bussi.

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