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REST General Meeting :: registration open

Dear colleagues and friends, we are pleased to open the registration for the GDR REST General Meeting, which will take place on 20-23 June on Oleron. The website is accessible at the address
where you will find the basic info about the place and, in due course, the programme of the meeting. You will notice that registering is very easy: just send an email
to with your name and affiliation. Do not hesitate also to submit an abstract to contribute with a talk or a poster.

Fees: 200€ HT
Students fees: 80€ HT

The fees include full accommodation and meals for the duration of the workshop.
If babysitter service is needed, please contact us and we try our best to organize it quickly.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Oleron.

the organisers,
Fabien, Francesco, Giorgia, Hansi

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