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PDRA opportunity in quantum algorithms

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Apologies for the impersonal group email, but I wanted to bring an open
PDRA position at King's to your attention that may be of interest to your
group members or institutional colleagues.

We have an opening for a postdoctoral position in the Theory and
Simulation of Condensed Matter (TSCM) Group at King's College London to
work on quantum algorithms for correlated many-body systems. We are
looking for a PDRA to work on the development of quantum algorithms, with
a background in quantum many-body theory. The candidate will also
participate in this as part of a larger cross-disciplinary UKRI
collaborative project on software enabled quantum computation, between the
Departments of Informatics and Physics at King's and the Department of
Computer Science at Oxford.

If you know of any potential candidates, or have access to any relevant
institutional email lists, we would appreciate your help in sharing this
opening. We are hoping to get a candidate in post quickly. Please find a
longer advert attached. Link to opening:

Best wishes,
George Booth and Joe Bhaseen

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