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Post-doc offer: Electronic Response of Metal Nanoclusters Using TDDFT Methods

We are seeking to fill a postdoctoral position for the theoretical treatment of the
electronic response of mono- and bi-metallic clusters at the CINaM (Centre
interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, in the
department of Theory and Simulation, with H.-Ch. Weissker.

The work will focus on the calculation of the electronic response of metal clusters
using mostly TDDFT methods. The position is available within the ANR project SchNAPSS
("Single NanoAlloy Particle Structure and Spectroscopy" and closely related with the experimental
developments within the project.
This project is a combined experimental and theoretical study of the response of small
alloy clusters. In particular, single-particle measurements are carried out using EELS
in the electron microscope. They are compared with ensemble measurements. Theory,
using TDDFT, aims at describing and understanding the experimental findings, including
in particular the alloying-induced changes in the silver d band and its consequences
for the optical response, and an in-depth study of the effect of the environment
(oxidation; matrix...) on the optical properties.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in theoretical Physics or Chemistry, a solid
background in condensed matter physics and/or quantum chemistry, and ample experience
with ab initio calculations. Previous coding experience will be an advantage.
Furthermore, the candidate should be enthusiastic about the prediction and theoretical
understanding of quantum phenomena concerning light-matter interaction at the
nanoscale. The candidate must be interested and able to work in collaboration within
an international multidisciplinary team.

The position is paid according to the official rules and amounts of the CNRS,
depending on the experience / seniority of the researcher. Accordingly, the duration
of the contract will be between 18 and 24 months.

For further information on the project, please contact me
( Consideration of candidates will begin
immediately and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates are
invited to send their CV, a short summary of their scientific achievements (max 2
pages), a full list of publications, and contacts of at least two references.

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