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Save the date! "Hands-on training on quantum computation for quantum chemistry" in Montpellier, November 6-8, 2024.

We are pleased to announce the organization of a 3-day training on quantum computation for quantum chemistry at the "Cité de l'économie et des métiers de demain]" in Montpellier,
from November 6 to 8, 2024. This training includes lectures, practical programming tutorials in Python with the myQLM package from Eviden [], and conferences from experts in the field of quantum computing.
The idea is to learn how to a quantum algorithm works and start to program it from scratch using only the most basic tools provided by myQLM.

Registration will be open on May 27, with a small contribution of 100 euros HT, 110 euros TTC, comprising all the coffee breaks and lunches as well as one dinner.
More information online on the dedicated website:

Provisional program:
November 6, 2024
Lectures on quantum computing
Programming session: quantum teleportation.

November 7, 2024
Programming session: Variational Quantum Eigensolver
Programming session: Design your own ansatz
Programming session: Dealing with the noise

November 8, 2024: Invited talks
Corentin Bertrand (Eviden, Paris)
Denis Lacroix (IPN, Orsay)
Pauline Besserve (Quantum Software Lab, LFCS, University of Edinburgh)
César Féniou (LCT, Paris-Jussieu)
Johana Klein (ICGM, Montpellier)
Audrey Bienfait (LPENSL, Lyon)

The organizing committee

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