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"Hands on spectroscopy calculations of quantum materials” - Heidelberg 23-27 September 2024

It is our pleasure to announce the 5th edition of the workshop “Hands on spectroscopy calculations of quantum materials”. The workshop starts on Monday the 23rd of September and runs to Friday the 27th of September 2024, at the institute of theoretical physics in Heidelberg []

The program [] contains a mixture of lectures and hands on tutorials. The focus will be on the calculation of x-ray spectroscopy of quantum materials containing transition metal or rare earth elements where strong local correlations and atomic multiplets are important to consider. The main code we use will be Quanty []

Registration [] is possible until the 30th of June at []

With best regards from the organisers / speakers:
Maurits W. Haverkort (Heidelberg Univ., DE)
Amélie Juhin (IMPMC, FR)
Frank de Groot (Utrecht Univ., NL)
Marie-Anne Arrio (IMPMC, FR)
Marius Retegan (ESRF)
Hebatalla Elnaggar (IMPMC, FR)
Robert Green (Univ. of Saskatchewan, CA)

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