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A PhD and a PostDoc position on polaritonics in Marseille

Polaritons are hybrid states that can form when molecules are placed inside optical cavities, providing
exciting new possibilities for controlling photochemistry.

This multidisciplinary project will focus on integrating advanced machine learning (ML) for
electronically excited states to enhance the efficiency and
accuracy of molecular dynamics simulations of hundreds of thousands of molecules coupled to the confined
light modes of a Fabry-Pérot microcavity.
Ultimately, we aim to reach system sizes and timescales similar to those experimentally probed.

We are looking for a PhD candidate and a Postdoc to work on this project to develop ML models that will
be used by the group of our collaborator, 
Prof. Gerrit Groenhof of the University of Jyväskylä, to run molecular dynamics.

The postdoc contract is for two years with the possibility of an extension for a third year.

The project is funded by the MLChem project of the AMidex Foundation.

If you would like more info, please follow the links:
PhD: []
PD: []

Mario Barbatti

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