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CM 2024 mini-symposium on AI for materials, 29-31 October, Marseille: oral submission deadline 14 June

Dear all,

my colleague, Roberta Poloni and I are organising a mini-symposium entitled

"Advances in machine learning for materials modelling"

as part of the JCM 2024 meeting Oct 29-31 in Marseille.  The theme is deliberately broad to bring
together users and developers of AI for materials, and we would love to have your contributions. The
deadline for oral contributions is the 14h of June, so don't leave it too late!  You can sign up here: []

I'm attaching our flyer to give you some ideas of topics that will be covered.  Looking forward to seeing
some of you in Marseille.

-Martin and Roberta

atttach file: 

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