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Interdisciplinary workshop Theory around XFEL will take place from November 18th to 20th in Marseille

We are pleased to announce that the interdisciplinary workshop Theory around XFEL will take place from
November 18th to 20th in Marseille.

It will gather theoreticians and experimentalists with physics, chemistry and biology backgrounds to
discuss the state-of-the-art,
future prospects and opportunities of theoretical simulations related to X-ray free electron lasers.
Various topics related to XFEL will be covered:
High density of energy, Structural biology, Condensed matter physics, Atoms and molecules in dilute
phase, Ultrafast (atto/femto) processes.

The list of invited speakers, as well as all practical information can be found on our website: []
Registration is free but mandatory. It includes lunches and coffee breaks during the workshop. Please
fill out this form: [].
The number of participants is limited so please register as soon as possible.

Note that you can send an abstract if you want to be considered for an oral contribution. You will find a
template on the registration form, please use this template to submit your abstract in PDF format.
Two types of contributions will be possible: regular talks of 30 minutes (questions included), and flash
talks of 5 minutes. Please select which type of contribution you want when filling the registration form.
We also announce that the plenary meeting of the GDR XFEL will take place at the same location from 21th
to 22th of November.
More information will soon be available here: []

Don't hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions.
We hope to see you in Marseille next November!

The organizers
Miquel Huix-Rotllant and Marie Labeye

The Theory@XFEL workshop is sponsored by the groupements de recherche GDR XFEL and GDR UP,
the fédération de recherche Plas@Par, the Institut de Chimie Radicalaire, the Institut Parisien de Chimie
Physique et Théorique,
the research network ThéMoSiA, and the subdivision Modélisation et Simulation of the Division de
Chimie-Physique of the Société Chimique de France
and Société Française de Physique.

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