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Postdoc position: Advanced methodologies for describing fast decoherence processes in solids

Advanced methodologies for describing fast decoherence processes in solids 

Project Overview:
The successful candidate will play a crucial role in extending TDDFT to include incoherent
processes in the time evolution via the one-body density matrix. This approach involves several
key tasks:

* Developing methodologies to describe stochastic electron-photon scattering and modeling
complex processes such as impact ionization and Auger recombination.
* Extending the stochastic quantum trajectory method to real-time, real-space TDDFT.
* Enhancing computational performance using on-the-fly Wannier interpolation and advanced
parallel computing techniques.

The project will utilize the Octopus code ( []), a
highly-scalable open-source software package designed for TDDFT simulations in real space and
real time. This combination of advanced theoretical approaches and powerful computational tools
aims to significantly advance the modeling of quantum materials.
Project Details:
* Position Duration: 18 months
* Start Date: Fall 2024
* Salary: €50,000 gross per year
* Location: University of Palermo, Italy

Desired Qualifications:
* Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, or a related field.
* Strong experience with DFT, TDDFT, or similar first-principles electronic structure methods.
* Proficiency in computational techniques and software, particularly the Octopus code.
* Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
* Ability to work independently and collaboratively within a multidisciplinary team.

Application Process:
Interested candidates should submit the following documents:

* A cover letter highlighting their relevant experience and motivation for the position.
* A detailed CV, including a list of publications.
* Contact information for at least one references.

More information at: []

Please send your application materials to with the subject
"Application for Postdoctoral Position THENCE". 
The position is available immediately. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until
the position is filled.

Prof. Umberto De Giovannini

Assistant Professor,
[LINK] [][LINK] [] Università degli Studi di Palermo,
Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica—Emilio Segrè, 
Via Archirafi 36, [] 
90123 Palermo, Italy [] []

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