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Discussion meeting on Machine Learning

December 9-10, 2021

The gdr REST organizes this discussion meeting on Machine Learning (ML),
particularly focusing on condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry.

The workshop will be held mainly online, via a zoom session, even if we do not exclude a hybrid version, with some participants present in Palaiseau, at the Ecole Polytechnique.

The format is a two-days session with open ended talks and large space devoted to discussions and Q&A. Since machine learning is not a core topic of our gdr, all the speakers will adopt a pedagogical standpoint, so do not miss the opportunity to follow the workshop, even if your research activity is not at all devoted to ML (young researchers and students are particularly encouraged to attend).

Registration: send an email to

Organisers: Jack Wetherell, Francesco Sottile


  • Jack Wetherell (York,UK)
  • Kieron Burke (Irvine, USA)
  • Jonathan Schmidt (Halle, Germany)
  • Kunal Ghosh (Helsinki, Finland)
  • Andrea Costamagna (Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Johannes Margraf (Berlin,Germany)
  • Matthias Rupp (Konstanz,Germany)
  • Kristof Schütt (Berlin,Germany)
  • Michael Herbst (Aachen, Germany)


Please, find also a pdf version of the program.
The recordings of the talks are now available in this playlist.



09:00 - 09:15


Machine Learning: Concepts and Applications

9:15 - 10:15
Jack Wetherell


Deep Learning Spectroscopy

10:15 - 11:05
Kunal Ghosh


Take a break



Lunch break



Open discussion

14:50 - 17:00


Take a break


List of Participants

  1. Marc Aichner
  2. Alam Osorio
  3. Albert Bruix Fusté
  4. Alessandra Del Masto
  5. Alice RUINI
  6. Amadon Bernard
  7. Andrea Cucca
  8. Andreas Savin
  9. Antoine Levitt
  10. Artrith Nong
  11. Aseem Rajan Kshirsagar
  12. Ashna Jose
  13. Ayoub Aouina
  14. Bacic Vladimir
  15. Bhupalee Kalita
  16. BONFRATE Simone
  17. BRENNER Valérie
  18. BRIEUC Fabien
  19. BRUNEVAL Fabien
  20. Carlo Pierleoni
  21. Carsten Staacke
  22. Claude Arnold
  23. Claudio Attaccalite
  24. Claudio QUARTI
  25. Damien CONNETABLE
  26. DINH Thi Phuong Mai
  27. Edmond Febrinicko Armay
  28. El Sahili Abdallah
  29. Fabio Iesari
  30. Federica Agostini
  31. Federico Civaia
  32. Florent Calvo
  33. Giorgia Fugallo
  34. Guillaume Brunin
  35. Guillemoles Jean-Francois
  36. Hans Philipp
  37. Hardy Gross
  38. Holger-Dietrich Saßnick
  39. Hong Jiang
  40. Huix-Rotllant Miquel
  41. Hyunwook Jung
  42. Simone Brozzesi
  43. Sally Issa
  44. Jakob Timmermann
  45. Jean-Michel Gillet
  46. Joël Puibasset
  47. Johanna Fuks
  48. Jose Batista
  49. Julien Morthomas
  50. Ke Chen
  51. Kole Arnold
  52. Lam Julien
  53. Lionel Lacombe
  54. Lorenzo Mariano
  55. Lorenzo Sponza
  56. Lucia Reining
  57. Manuel Cobian
  58. Marc Guillaumont
  59. Márcio Ferreira
  60. Marie-Anne Arrio
  61. Marinica Mihai Cosmin
  62. Matteo Gatti
  63. Mattéo Peria
  64. Matt Hodgson
  65. Maurizia Palummo
  66. Mebarek Alouani
  67. Mengnan Cui
  68. Michael Seifert
  69. Michele Re Fiorentin
  70. Muhammad Sufyan Ramzan
  71. Niehaus Thomas
  72. Nuno Brito
  73. Olivier Hardouin Duparc
  74. Ondrej Tóth
  75. Paolo Chignoli
  76. Peder Meisner Lyngby
  77. Pedro Carriço
  78. Peter Bokes
  79. Rachid Laref
  80. Sinha Roy Rajarshi
  81. Remi Pasquier
  82. Rex Godby
  83. Riccardo Farris
  84. Roberta Poloni
  85. Robert Hussein
  86. Ryan Pederson
  87. Salomone Mattia
  88. Simona Achilli
  89. Simona Ispas
  90. Simon Dubois
  91. Simone Grillo
  92. Steven Crisostomo
  93. Theodoros Tsatsoulis
  94. Tiago Cerqueira
  95. Urquiza Laura
  96. Valérie Veniard
  97. Vitaly Gorelov
  98. Hansi Weissker
  99. Wenbin Xu
  100. Wenceslas Rahajandraibe
  101. 周徐源 (Zhou Xuyuan)

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