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Postdoctoral position at King’s College London in Diagrammatic Monte Carlo

Candidates are invited to apply for a postdoctoral Research Associate role in the
group of Dr Evgeny KOZIK at King’s College London to work on development of
diagrammatic Monte Carlo techniques for understanding and controlling mechanisms of
unconventional superconductivity with a start date from 1st October 2023.

Applicants are expected to have a PhD (or be awaiting its award) in the area of
Theoretical/Computational Physics and a strong expertise in precision numerical
methods for correlated electrons, their implementation and application. Experience
with diagrammatic Monte Carlo approaches and studies of superconductivity or closely
related problems is desired. The successful applicant will be part of a collaboration
with the experiment group led by Dr Clifford Hicks (Birmingham) and the theory group
of Prof Joseph Betouras (Loughborough).

For more details and to apply, please follow:

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