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Postdoctoral Opportunity in Quantum Algorithms for the Hubbard Model

Postdoctoral Opportunity in Quantum Algorithms for the Hubbard Model – 15 Months (Montpellier/Bordeaux,

Context: The advent of quantum computers has rekindled hopes for affordable and accurate solutions to the
Schrödinger equation, which governs the electronic properties of physico-chemical systems. In pursuit of
this goal, there is increasing interest in developing specific quantum algorithms, particularly those
targeting Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. This postdoctoral project is focused on
designing quantum algorithms dedicated to the Hubbard model, one of the most utilized qualitative models
for describing electron-electron interactions in condensed matter physics. See for instance
Phys. Rev. B, 107, 155110, (2023). []

Duration and Funding: This is a 15-month postdoctoral position, funded by the "Institut Quantique
Occitant" (IQO) and supervised by Matthieu Saubanère (

Qualifications Required:


A PhD in Quantum Physics or Chemistry.


Proficiency in Python programming.


(Optional) Experience in quantum computing and/or in the methodological development of condensed
matter physics.

Start Date: The position is expected to start in march 2024.

Application Submission: Candidates are invited to submit a detailed CV (including references, such as the
name and email address of the PhD supervisor) and a cover letter to Matthieu Saubanère
(matthieu.saubanere(at) and/or on the platform

Matthieu Saubanère
Research Associate Professor
Tel : +33(0) 4 48 79 20 22

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