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Postes IM2NP 2024

Three positions will open at Aix Marseille University in 2024 for which research will be developed at
IM2NP (Institut Matériaux Microélectronique et Nanosciences de Provence) [].

1. Professor position Aix Marseille Univ: Sections of the national council of universities (28/33)

“Electron microscopy and related techniques. Applications of microscopy in material physics, correlations
between structure, chemistry and functional properties of nanomaterials.”

2. Assistant professor position at IUT GEII/Salon de Provence Aix Marseille Univ: Section of the
national council of universities (63)

“Teaching: electronics, embedded computing and IoT systems. Research: conduct research in the field of
microelectronics. Design integrated circuits dedicated to Edge AI..”

3. Assistant professor position at Aix Marseille Univ: Section of the national council of universities

“Optoelectronics Photonics Semiconductor Materials.”

For detailed and complementary information and to candidate please write to the following addresses:”

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