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Introductory days to quantum computing for physics and chemistry

qubitThe GDR REST is organising, together with the GDR NBODY the event "Introductory days to quantum computing for physics and chemistry" on January 19 and 20, 2023 in Grenoble.

Research on quantum computing is rapidly growing and has the potential to reshape simulations in physics and chemistry. These two days aim at providing a pedagogical introduction to this field, for the communities of the GDR REST and NBODY, i.e. theoretical physicists, chemists, and applied mathematicians working on the quantum many-body problem. These days are not targeted to experts in quantum computing but rather to people who want to discover this new field.

The maximum number of participants is 50. No registration fees will be asked. However, accommodation will not be provided but must be arranged independently by the participants.

More info and details are available at the webpage of the event:

The recorded videos of the lectures are available in this playlist.

The organizers:
Roberta Poloni, Eric Cancès, Emmanuel Fromager, Francesco Sottile, Julien Toulouse.

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