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PhD position at the ICP, University Paris-Saclay

We are looking for candidates for a PhD position at the Institut de Chimie Physique of the
University Paris-Saclay.

The project is about Light-induced isomerization of a protonated Schiff base: Study of the
effects of photo-excitation and environment using quantum vibrionic wavepacket techniques
and quantum-classical methods (with main focus on the exact factorization).

GDR REST General Meeting :: June 2021

it is with great pleasure that we announce the General Meeting / Réunion Générale of the GDR REST (REncontres de Spectroscopie Théorique).

The meeting is intended to bring together the members of the GDR but also other scientists working in theoretical spectroscopy and all related areas.
The meeting will be a virtual event, to be held in June 2021. We have planned four afternoon sessions that will take place in the first two weeks of June.

ModSim conference series

The chemical physics division of the Société Chimique de France and Société Française de Physique started the ModSim Conference Series to be held every two months.

Please visit this website

to find the relevant info.
There is no need to register.

Post-doc offer at LCT Sorbonne Université Paris

A 1 year post-doc is available with possible extension at the Laboratoire
de Chimie Théorique (LCT) Sorbonne Université Paris (France) under the
supervision of Dr. Eleonora Luppi in collaboration with Dr. Julien
Toulouse (LCT) and Dr. Antoine Levitt (Inria and CERMICS, ENPC).

online course on Density Functional Theory

we would like to draw your attention to a new online course on Density Functional Theory

Meeting on Green's functions: slides, videos and future

Dear all, thanks again for your participation at the discussion meeting
on Functionals of the Green's function. We would like to thank the speakers for their
availability, for sharing the slides (you can find them on the webpage
and also for permitting us to record their talk. The videos of the different contributions
are in this playlist:

Do Research Like a Munchkin

I would like to share this initiative from two former postdocs,
that moved in industry and in particular software development.
They offer this online course (at low price) on coding and project management
for postdoc and researchers.


Post-doc position at Sorbonne University

A 1 year post-doc is available with possible extension at the Laboratoire
de Chimie Théorique (LCT) Sorbonne Université Paris (France) under the
supervision of Dr. Eleonora Luppi in collaboration with Dr. Julien
Toulouse (LCT) and Dr. Antoine Levitt (Inria and CERMICS, ENPC).


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