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PhD fellowship in electronic-structure theory at Sorbonne Université in Paris

A PhD fellowship is available at Sorbonne Université in Paris to work on development of
electronic-structure methods taking into account continuum states to describe the response of atomic and molecular systems.

PhD subjects in Palaiseau

Dear All
Please find below two PhD subjects, one financial support being expected to come from the Ecole doctorale
of the Institute Polytechnique of Paris 

Best regards

Nathalie Vast

PhD in Grenoble: non-linear optics in MOFs

PhD Call: We are looking for a motivated and outstanding candidate to work at the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) at the SIMaP laboratory to study the non-linear optical properties of metal organic frameworks (MOFs). The starting date will be October/November 2024.
The goal of this proposal is to computationally establish a proof-of-concept for the development of a novel gas detection mechanism using nonlinear optics and in particular second harmonic generation (SHG).

PhD offer :: Magnetic Excitations in Functional Oxide Thin Films

dear all, please find enclosed a PhD offer, fully funded, titled:

Magnetic Excitations in Functional Oxide Thin Films: Beyond Single Magnons at Sorbonne University.


SPINTHEORY Workshop Marseille 3-4 Juin 2024

Dear theoreticians of nanomagnetism, spintronics, and associated territories,

The first annual workshop of the SPINTHEORY community will be held on June 3 and 4, 2024 in Marseille on the Luminy campus.
This conference will be an opportunity to discuss the key subjects of PEPR SPIN and to exchange on opening themes.
We invite you to register online and submit an abstract on the conference website before April 22nd:

6th edition of the mini-school on mathematics for theoretical chemistry and physics

Dear all,

We are glad to announce the 6th edition of the mini-school on mathematics for theoretical chemistry and physics organized by GDR NBODY, 28-31 May, Jussieu campus, Paris:

Chaire de Professeur(e) Junior CNRS ouverte -- IEMN

Une Chaire de Professeur(e) Junior CNRS est ouverte pour intégrer l'IEMN avec le sujet
suivant : Physics and technology of quantum technology and neuromorphic system
Merci de diffuser largement dans vos réseaux et auprès des candidat.e.s potentiels. []


poste MCF en *Chimie Théorique* — section 31 - Montpellier

Un poste MCF en *Chimie Théorique* — section 31 — est susceptible d’être vacant en 2024 à
l’Université de Montpellier.

Postdoctoral position in Montpellier, France: Quantum algorithms for Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory (two years)

Context: Solving the electronic structure problem in quantum chemistry has been identified
as the "killer application" as it relies on the resolution of the Schrödinger equation,
which exact solution on classical computer scales exponentially with the system size,
similarly to the space spanned by the qubits of the quantum computer. Nevertheless, expected
promises of quantum computing applications to quantum chemistry might be strongly reduced
for some technological generations due to deep circuit depth and quantum noise. As an

JMC Mini-Colloques 28-31 octobre 2024 Marseille

les Journées de la Matière Condensée auront lieu à Marseille sur le campus de Saint-Charles
du 28 au 31 octobre 2024.
Le programme scientifique est prêt et couvre une majeure partie de la physique de la Matière
Condensée et ses interfaces avec des conférences plénières, des semi-plénières et des
mini-colloques: []


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