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Post-doc offer :: simulation of excitons in 2D lateral heterostructures

Please find attached an offer for a two-year postdoc position on an ANR project about the simulation of excitons in 2D lateral heterostructures, with Lorenzo Sponza, at ONERA.

Postdoctoral position in Montpellier, France: Quantum algorithms for Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory (two years)

Context: Solving the electronic structure problem in quantum chemistry has been
identified as the "killer application" as it relies on the resolution of the
Schrödinger equation, which exact solution on classical computer scales exponentially
with the system size, similarly to the space spanned by the qubits of the quantum
computer. Nevertheless, expected promises of quantum computing applications to quantum
chemistry might be strongly reduced for some technological generations due to deep

PhD offer in Grenoble - ML-based discovery of spin crossover complexes

A 3-year PhD position is available in Grenoble, France, to work on the development of physics-based machine learning models for the accelerated discovery of novel spin-crossover molecules for a variety of applications. The position is funded by the Multidisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence ( and will start before December 2023 under the supervision of Dr Martin Uhrin and Dr Roberta Poloni.
See file attached.

Postdoctoral position at King’s College London in Diagrammatic Monte Carlo

Candidates are invited to apply for a postdoctoral Research Associate role in the
group of Dr Evgeny KOZIK at King’s College London to work on development of
diagrammatic Monte Carlo techniques for understanding and controlling mechanisms of
unconventional superconductivity with a start date from 1st October 2023.

teaching at EAIFR

The East African Institute of Fundamental Research (EAIFR), see,
is an international hub of research excellence in Kigali, Rwanda, and an ICTP Partner
Institute with a UNESCO Category 2 status.
The EAIFR is now searching for lecturers for the academic year 2023-2024 to deliver
the following courses for the second year MSc students in condensed matter physics:
1) Electrons and Phonons in Solids (= Solid State Physics)
2) Numerical Methods II
3) Advanced Statical Mechanics

JTMS 2023 : Journées "Théorie, Modélisation et Simulation" 2023

Cher-es collègues,

La sub-division Modélisation et Simulation de la DCP et le Réseau Français de
Chimie Théorique ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la 7ème édition des Journées
"Théories, Modélisation & Simulation" qui aura lieu les 17 et 18 octobre 2023 à

Cette année, nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter les présentations invitées de :

Post-doc offer: Electronic Response of Metal Nanoclusters Using TDDFT Methods

We are seeking to fill a postdoctoral position for the theoretical treatment of the
electronic response of mono- and bi-metallic clusters at the CINaM (Centre
interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, in the
department of Theory and Simulation, with H.-Ch. Weissker.

PDRA opportunity in quantum algorithms

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Apologies for the impersonal group email, but I wanted to bring an open
PDRA position at King's to your attention that may be of interest to your
group members or institutional colleagues.

E-MRS Fall ABSTRACT SUBMISSION symposium “S”: Metal Halide Perovskites for Photonic Applications: From Fundamentals to Devices

We are happy to announce the symposium “S”: Metal Halide Perovskites for Photonic Applications: From Fundamentals to Devices at the E-MRS Fall Meeting 18-21 Sept. 2023 in Warsaw, Poland.

Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théoriques : Lettre d'information #1

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
J’ai le plaisir de vous faire parvenir le premier numéro de la lettre d’information du
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théoriques. Cette lettre, au format pdf, est lisible
et téléchargeable directement en cliquant ici.

Les futurs numéros devraient paraître périodiquement et seront déposés, lisibles et
téléchargeables à cet autre lien.

Thibaud Etienne


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