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2 postdoc openings at the RUB, Bochum

The Chair of Theory of Excited States of Integrated Solid State Systems / Research Center Future Energy
Materials and Systems (RC FEMS) at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy is looking for two
postdocs (m,f,x) for 3 years

ABINIT School 2024,Towards ab initio simulations on exascale supercomputers

The deadline for registration to the 2024 ABINIT school is approaching (1st December).
If you are interested there is not much time left!

Here is the announcement:

We are pleased to announce the 2024 ABINIT school that will take place in Bruyères-le-Châtel (close to
Paris), France from 29 January to 2 February 2024.

APPEL A SOUMISSION Conférence “Advances in Ultrafast Condensed Phase Physics IV”

Conférence “Advances in Ultrafast Condensed Phase Physics IV”
un évènement du symposium SPIE Photonics Europe 2024
du 7 au 11 Avril 2024 à Strasbourg 

Date limite de soumission: 30 novembre 2023

Postdoctoral Opportunity in Quantum Transport and MBPT in 2D materials: 24 months  (Turin, Italy)

Postdoctoral Opportunity in Quantum Transport and MBPT in 2D materials 24 months  (Turin, Italy)

more details in the attachment.

If you are interested please contact:
Michele Re Fiorentin
Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)
Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (Italy)
tel: +39 011090433

Postdoctoral Opportunity in Quantum Algorithms for the Hubbard Model

Postdoctoral Opportunity in Quantum Algorithms for the Hubbard Model – 15 Months (Montpellier/Bordeaux,

Postdoctoral position in Montpellier


Postdoc position available in Toulouse

We have a postdoc position available in our group in Toulouse (France) at the Laboratoire de Chimie et
Physique Quantiques. This position is funded by the ERC consolidator grant PTEROSOR with deals with the
development of new methodologies for excited states. Several projects are possible ranging from
density-functional theory, many-body Green's function or coupled cluster methods.

Postdoc position at the interface between mathematics and computational physics/chemistry

Call for two 1-year renewable Post-Doctoral positions, at École des Pont ParisTech, under the supervision
of  Eric Cancès, in the framework of the ERC Synergy project on "Extreme-scale Mathematically-based
Computational Chemistry" (EMC2). The goal of these positions is, in interaction with the rest of the EMC2
interdisciplinary team, to develop mathematical analysis and numerical methods for electronic structure

ABINIT School,Bruyères-le-Châtel, Jan. 29 – Feb. 2 2024

  Dear colleagues,

    We are pleased to announce the 2024 ABINIT school that will take place in Bruyères-le-Châtel (close
to Paris), France from 29 January to 2 February 2024.

    This school will present new developments and provide guidelines for the usage of the ABINIT software
package on large-scale high-performance computing facilities.

Master Intenship + PhD offer

Please find attached a Master's internship opportunity in Toulouse at the Laboratory of Quantum Chemistry and Physics, focusing on the development of methods based on Green's functions. Interested candidates should contact Pierre-François Loos at A PhD scholarship will be available starting in the fall of 2024 to continue with this project.

Best wishes, Pierre-Francois Loos.


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