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Poste Professeur des universités (PR) HPC à Nice

Nous avons cette année un poste PR en calcul haute performance à l'Université[NF] Côte d'Azur.

Le candidat ou la candidate sera affecté(e) au labo de math, toutefois le vivier en math étant limité, des candidat(e)s avec un background différent y compris chimie théorique, seront considéré(e)s pour peu qu'ils/elles aient de réelles compétences en HPC.

Opening of a PhD position in Strasbourg, France

Opening of a PhD position in Strasbourg, France (starting October 1st, 2023)

Topic : Developing quantum embedding computing for Quantum Chemistry


PhD opportunity at Canterbury, UK

Dear Colleagues,

Workshop on "Advanced Quantum Materials"

We are pleased to announce the workshop on
"Advanced Quantum Materials", organised by the Provence Section of the French Physical Society (SFP) on the occasion of its 150th anniversary.
in Marseille, France, on 7-8 June 2023
in the magnificent setting of the Palais du Pharo overlooking the Mediterranean:

gdr REST General Meeting :: Oleron 19-23 June

Dear colleagues and friends, we are pleased to announce the GDR REST General Meeting, which will take place on 19-23 June on Oleron. The website and registration information will be shared soon.
Please mark the date on your calendars and make travel arrangements accordingly.

Prix de thèse SFP

Chers collègues

Je voudrais attirer votre attention sur les différents prix de thèse de la SFP et vous inviter à proposer vos étudiants.

Prix Saint-Gobain
Ce prix est destiné à récompenser un·e étudiant·e ayant soutenu un diplôme d'études supérieures ou une thèse au cours de l'année écoulée.
Le prix jeunes chercheurs/euse Saint-Gobain est décerné depuis 1995.

Opening for a PLUMED developer position

Do you want to be part of the next revolution? We are opening a full-time position for PLUMED software development based at SISSA (Trieste, Italy). The opening will be for a "Tecnologo" (EP level) position funded by the "Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing".

The position will be devoted to the maintenance and development of PLUMED, including: automation, documentation, interfacing with scripting languages, and migration on hybrid architectures.

Introductory days to quantum computing for physics and chemistry

qubitThe GDR REST is organising, together with the GDR NBODY the event "Introductory days to quantum computing for physics and chemistry" on January 19 and 20, 2023 in Grenoble.

Postdoc in Condensed Matter theory/theoretical Chemistry @ INSP (Sorbonne université)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position to explore the electronic structure and non-equilibrium photodynamics of a range of novel organic and low-dimensional materials. The work is particularly focussed on real-time dynamics and spatiotemporally resolved spectroscopy of excitons and spins, and their exploitation for advanced optoelectronics and quantum information applications.


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