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Postdoc & PhD positions in Theoretical Quantum Physics at LMU Munich

We are seeking highly motivated Postdocs and PhD students to join our research
group in Theoretical Quantum Physics. Candidates are expected to have either
excellent analytical skills, ideally with a background in fermionic quantum
systems and reduced density matrices, or a strong expertise in numerical methods
used in quantum chemistry. Mathematical Physicists are encouraged to apply as
well. Our projects are concerned with the interface of Quantum Information
Theory and Quantum Many-Body Physics. We resort to analytic approaches partly

Tenure-track position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Our Department@Sapienza has an opening for a tenure-track position in Theoretical
Condensed Matter Physics, with deadline 30th September 2021; we are encouraging
applications from all fields of theoretical and computational condensed matter,
including many-body methods, quantum materials, soft and active matter, complexity,
etc interested people can send informal inquiries to the

Postdoctoral position in theoretical physics for condensed matter

A post-doctoral position in the area of theoretical condensed-matter physics is open for a young researcher in the Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés (LSI), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.

The post-doctoral researcher will work in collaboration with theoreticians Nathalie Vast and Jelena Sjakste (LSI), as well as with Yeonsoo CHO (PhD student). A collaboration with experimentalists of the ANR project is also part of the project.

postdoc offer on TDDFT from Rutgers

Dear friends, 

Postdoc offer in Montpellier. Phochemistry on quantum computers

A postdoc position is available for 18 months starting from October 1st 2021 at the Charles Gerhardt Institute of Montpellier (France), in the new departement "Chimie Physique Théorique et Modélisation" (before called "Chimie Théorique, Méthodologies, Modélisations").
The project (acronym QACTUS: Quantum Algorithms for Chemistry, Towards a Unified Strategy) is founded by the I-SITE MUSE of Montpellier and is supervised by Bruno Senjean and Benjamin Lasorne (CNRS researchers), with the external collaboration of Saad Yalouz.

Ph.D. position in Donostia

We are searching for a motivated student to work on the development of density
functional approximations. She/he would be hosted at the Donostia International
Physics Center (DIPC), in Donostia (Spain). Her/his thesis would be supervised by Dr.
Rubén R. Ferradás and myself. Candidates from all countries are welcome.

I would appreciate if you could circulate this information among your contacts.
Eduard Matito

General Meeting of the GDR REST

The meeting is intended to bring together the members of the GDR but also other scientists working in theoretical spectroscopy and all related areas.

The meeting is a virtual event, to be held in June 2021, via Zoom. It takes place on the afternoons of Thursdays and Fridays 3,4 and 10,11 June.

Postdoctoral position: Theory - Perovskites

A full-time CNRS postdoctoral research associate position is available in the department of theoretical inorganic chemistry [] at Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (ISCR [], France) for a talented and ambitious researcher. The position is funded through the H2020 FETOPEN under the POLLOC [] proposal on on polariton logic and mainly deals with the physics of excitons in relation with experimental work performed at ETH and IBM Zürich..


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