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Post-doc offer at LCT Sorbonne Université Paris

A 1 year post-doc is available with possible extension at the Laboratoire
de Chimie Théorique (LCT) Sorbonne Université Paris (France) under the
supervision of Dr. Eleonora Luppi in collaboration with Dr. Julien
Toulouse (LCT) and Dr. Antoine Levitt (Inria and CERMICS, ENPC).

online course on Density Functional Theory

we would like to draw your attention to a new online course on Density Functional Theory

Meeting on Green's functions: slides, videos and future

Dear all, thanks again for your participation at the discussion meeting
on Functionals of the Green's function. We would like to thank the speakers for their
availability, for sharing the slides (you can find them on the webpage
and also for permitting us to record their talk. The videos of the different contributions
are in this playlist:

Do Research Like a Munchkin

I would like to share this initiative from two former postdocs,
that moved in industry and in particular software development.
They offer this online course (at low price) on coding and project management
for postdoc and researchers.


Post-doc position at Sorbonne University

A 1 year post-doc is available with possible extension at the Laboratoire
de Chimie Théorique (LCT) Sorbonne Université Paris (France) under the
supervision of Dr. Eleonora Luppi in collaboration with Dr. Julien
Toulouse (LCT) and Dr. Antoine Levitt (Inria and CERMICS, ENPC).

Discussion Meeting on Functionals of Green's functions

Virtual Meeting to take place in January, 11-12 2021

Dyson equation
Functional approaches are very powerful in providing a feasible way to characterise a physical system. A well-known example is density functional theory, in which the properties of interest can, in principle, be expressed as functionals of the density.

ESRF Users' Meeting goes virtual

The User Meeting 2021 will be held remotely from Monday 8 February to Wednesday 10 February 2021. Tutorials will be offered to users on Monday 8 February. The Plenary Session will start on Monday 8 afternoon with the Poster Session and will continue on Tuesday 9 February. 3 User-Dedicated Microsymposia will be organised on Wednesday 10 February.

More info here:

Soleil Users Update 2021

La situation sanitaire actuelle nous conduit à modifier l’organisation du colloque annuel des utilisateurs de SOLEIL, prévu initialement les 21 et 22 janvier 2021.

De plus, le nombre de participants doit être réduit, dans le respect des règles de distanciation et de précaution.

SOLEIL a donc fait le choix de maintenir une après-midi d’information dédiée aux utilisateurs le 21 janvier 2021, de 14h à 17h.

SUM 2021 (SOLEIL Users Meeting 2021) devient SU² 2021 (SOLEIL Users Update 2021 - instead of SUM 2021).


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