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Offre de stage au CEA

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2 years post-doc position in Paris region from January 2023

Post-doctoral position in theory and atomistic simulation
“Excitonic properties of structurally inhomogeneous 2D materials”

A 24 month post-doctoral position is open starting from January 2023 in a joint research program gathering the Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé at CEA-Saclay (first 12 months) and the Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures at Onera-Châtillon (second half of the position). Both are located in the Paris area, France.

Subject description:

Green's function methods: the next generation 5

This is a workshop organised by members of the GDR REST, on one of the main topics of our community: the developments around Green's functions theory. It is organised alternatively in Toulouse and Lausanne. This year, it will take place on 15-18 November, in Toulouse.

Livret des GDR de l'INP

Please, find at this link the booklet of the GDRs of INP.

PhD opening: charge transport and thermoelectricity in organic semiconductors

We are looking for a talented and motivated candidate for a PhD under the supervision
Gabriele D’Avino and Simone Fratini, to be carried out at the Institut Néel of CNRS, in

JTMS 2022 : Journées "Théorie, Modélisation et Simulation" 2022

Cher-es collègues,

La sub-division Modélisation et Simulation de la DCP et le Réseau Français de Chimie Théorique ont
le plaisir de vous annoncer la 6ème édition des Journées "Théories, Modélisation & Simulation" qui
aura lieu les 13 et 14 octobre 2022 à Rennes.

Cette année, nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter les présentations invitées de :

Post-doc in Rennes

A postdoctoral research associate position is available starting in september 2022 in the
simulation team of Institut FOTON Rennes for one or two years for a talented and ambitious
researcher. The position is funded through the MEranet PHANTASTIC project (5 European partners) on
the empirical tight-binding modelling of 2D perovskites.

More details :

CECAM workshop : Interdisciplinary workshop on the theoretical study of periodic systems

Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the CECAM workshop: 
Interdisciplinary workshop on the theoretical study of periodic systems,
June 20-23 2022, to be held in Lyon, France. 
The workshop brings together experts from various fields in physics and chemistry to discuss
accurate and efficient approaches to numerically treat periodic many-body systems.
More details can be found on the web site of the workshop: 

PhD Opening at the EuspecLab

The position is part of the European Commission-funded Doctoral Network EUSpecLab, a
collaboration between 23 universities and companies. Salary conditions, travel/mobility
allowances, and benefits follow the attractive EU amounts for Researchers in the HORIZON-
MSCA-2021-DN-01 call. The EUSpeclab project contains a mix of 11 theoretical research-
oriented PhD projects.
The position is open to
= Modelling, numerical analysis MSc graduates with an interest in physics

PhD & postdoc positions at LMU Munich

We are offering multiple PhD & postdoctoral positions to well-qualified, highly motivated, 
and dynamic young scientists who wish to enhance their scientific career in a stimulating 
environment. The successful candidates will be joining the group led by Christian Schilling 
which is part of the Chair of Theoretical Physics -- Quantum Matter together with Ulrich 
Schollwöck, Lode Pollet and Fabian Grusdt. The research of our group is concerned with 
the interface of Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Many-Body Physics. We resort 


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