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ICQC satellite meeting in Strasbourg

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the local organising committee I am pleased to announce you that registration is now open for the ICQC satellite meeting on strong correlation in electronic structure theory that will be held in Strasbourg from the 24th to the 27th of June, 2018 in the “Neustadt” (recently recognised by Unesco).

The following topics will be covered during the meeting:

Post-doc position in Liege

Bonjour à tous,

voici une proposition de Post-doc pour travailler chez notre collègue
liégeoise Françoise Remacle.

GDR-REST: The second general meeting

Dear Colleague, it is with great pleasure that we announce
the General Meeting / Réunion Générale of the GDR REST (REncontres de Spectroscopie Théorique).

The meeting is intended to bring together the members of the GDR but also other scientists working in theoretical spectroscopy and related areas.

Mini-workshop "REST in Paris"

Common problems and solutions in core and valence theoretical spectroscopies

8th Abinit Developers Workshop

The GDR REST is happy to support the incoming workshop dedicated to the Abinit developers' community. The 8th Abinit Developers Workshop takes place in Fréjus, 9-12 May 2017. Find the website here.

3e Journées des Pérovskites Hybrides

The GDR REST is happy to support the incoming Journées des Pérovskites Hybrides, which takes place in Angers, on 9-10 May 2017. Website here.

ISTPC school open for registration

We are pleased to inform you that the second edition of the International Summer school in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC) is now open for registration.

The two-week school will take place in Aussois (Savoie, France) from the 18th of June to the 1st of July 2017.

ICAMM conference

The GDR REST is happy to support the incoming VASP training school and ICAMM conference.

The VASP training school lasts for 4 days (Wednesday 31st to Saturday 3rd) and the ICAMM conference lasts for 3 days (Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th). The training school and conference fees include daily lunch and coffee breaks.

For registration and abstract submission, go to:

2e Journées des Pérovskites Hybrides

The GDR REST is happy to support the incoming Journées des Pérovskites Hybrides, which takes place in Rennes, on 17-18 May 2016. Register here. Deadline for submitting an abstract: 29 February.

GDR General Meeting - Save the date

It is our pleasure to announce the first general meeting of the GDR REST.


The meeting will take place in Roscoff on 23-27 May 2016.


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